I mean sunt sigura ca fiecare s-a saturat de overplayed-song!mania asta de peste tot. La radio, TV, anywhere. Cand apare o melodie noua la MTV, holy sh*t! o auzi peste tot 24/7 *rolling eyes*
Asa ca intrebarea mea este: aveti vreo melodie [sau mai multe] pe care o detestati dupa ce a fost exagerat de comercializata ? Sau melodii exagerat de cliche pe care nu le puteti suporta ?
IMO, "Umbrella" lui Rihana is the most overplayed and annoying song eva'. Imi vine sa ma dau cu capu' de pereti cand aud melodia asta. Umbrella -ella -ella -whateva'. Such a pain in th a$$ Am detestat-o de la bun inceput [Actually detest tot ce tine de Rihana, but melodia asta a depasit orice limita] I mean what in the bloody hell is so awesome about this crap!song ? Everything by Rihana is crap. 'Nuff said.
And everything by Pussycat-whateva', TH and Timbaland is crap. I swear Timbaland exists to make f*ckin' annoying songs gawd dammit! And all that rapp!sh*t such as Akon, 50 Cent, etc. is crap too, no offence
But sunt si melodii awesome [like One Republic - Apologize or other amazing songs] which are gettin' overplayed 24/7 and makes ya have enough of it in less than no time *sighs*
And so I'm at this conclusion: 90% of songs being played on radio/satellite gets overkilled.
Don'cha think so, peeps ?
Ultima editare efectuata de catre RuKia-ChaN in Mar Aug 12, 2008 8:58 pm, editata de 5 ori